Saturday 16 August 2008

Treat Your Puppy

Well, too much time passed and nothing got wrote, so I got told by my brother Elmar to write in these here blogs and not waste them. Ok, so here goes. My last post was the first - Treat Dogs.

So I wanted to talk about how to treat dogs right and that's what I'll get to right here. Ok, starting off most folks get a puppy and think its thee most adorable thing on the planet. Well they're right there! Darn adorable and a ton of fun to!

You can play with a puppy all day cause they got more energy'n you'll ever have and thats the truth! You just gotta remember that they're only little and their bones are still soft so you can't go being too rough with them until they start getting older. Even then, you should never get rough with a dog don't matter how tough the dog is.

See, if you get to playing rough with a dog when they're young, they get to thinking that's the right way to play with everyone. Except it aint, cause sooner or later some kid is gonna meet up with your dog face to face and if your dog is only used to playing rough with you, he'll likely play just as rough with the kid and likely hurt him.

That's if you lucky.

Dogs that've been raised playing rough don't know no better and are gonna end up really hurting some kid or old person and guess whos fault that is?

Well it aint the dog's fault asshole - its yours - with the blame firm on your shoulders and no one elses. So I'm telling you now. don't play rough with your dog not ever! Then maybe your dog'll grow up to be nice and play right with kids.

That's all up to you, the owner to get it right from day one and not to be an asshole like all the other assholes who rear big strong dogs who end up ripping the face off some kid and the owner's there crying in his hands cause he can't understand why his lovable soft as shit dog would do such a thing. Bullshit. Hell, I'm getting mad just thinking about it and that aint right!

Take it from me, you need to raise your dog with a firm but fair hand and make sure he knows you are the boss then he'll respect you're every command and be the perfect dog with no strange behavior. And that's all we ever want from our dogs, right?

See you next time.

Treat Dogs

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